Music Sales in Europe and Asia Visualization with Tableau

In this post, we examine data from a Music sale business. The owner provided us with their data and had several questions regarding music sales in Europe and Asia. Our client in particular has requested several visualizations.

  1. Which Genre sells the most?
  2. Who are the top 20 artists and do they produce music only in one genre?
  3. What does the sales distribution look like geographically?
  4. How do Rock sales compare against Alternative and Heavy Metal tracks sales?

Answer: Here is the visual dashboard to answer those questions:
Below are more detailed answers to each question!

1. Which Genre sells the most?

In the visualization below, we can clearly see that the Rock Genre definitely has the most resonance with music enthusiasts in both Europe and Asia. Although Latin and Alternative and Punk sales come in second and third place, respectively, they do not nearly match the sales of Rock combined. Rock outperforms as the most popular genre as evident by the sales of over 1,000 tracks.

2. Who are the top 20 artists and do they produce music only in one genre?

In the visualization below, we can see that Iron Maiden, U2, and Led Zeppelin top the charts in Europe and Asia. Interestingly enough both Iron Maiden and U2 produce music in several genres, meanwhile Led Zeppelin only produces rock. This information can be incredibly useful to the owner who might decide to promote Iron Maiden’s tracks as a way to attract customers and boost sales in at least two genres.
Please note that the genres are color coded in accordance with the chart above. 

3. What does the sales distribution look like geographically?

In the Geographic map below, we can see that Germany, France and parts of the United Kingdom generate the most revenue, while countries like Sweden generate the least. India’s sales are more temperate in that they are not as extreme in either direction as sales are in Europe. This map can provide the owner with an excellent overview of where in the world to increase sales efforts or it could prompt the owner to conduct further studies to understand why such low sales are occurring in very specific places. 

4. How do Rock sales compare against Alternative and Heavy Metal tracks sales?

In the visualization below, we can see that Rock sales make lot more noise than Alternative or Heavy Metal sales.  Rock continues to dominate the market and according to the trend line (dash line), it will continue rising , followed closely by Alternative. Interestingly, however, Heavy Metal has been experiencing a steady decline and the trend line is indicating that it will continue declining. 

This data set was quite a bit of fun to work with and Tableau certainly provided an excellent medium for analyzing and visualizing this data. Working with Tableau was a breeze, yet I still have so much to learn! I am excited to continue building my skills in this program.

The information above is from the Graduate Certificate in Business Analytics: Descriptive Analytics course at Penn State University.