Startup Venture Funding Visualizations with Tableau

In this post, I examined the data provided as training data on the Tableau under the technology section. I used the Startup Venture Funding Data which includes information about companies, investments, and acquisitions from 1960 till 2014 via Crunchbase . Tableau actually has several incredible data sets for training in their resources section, ranging from Government to […]

University Fundraising Data Visualization with Tableau

This data is fictitious data and was generated using random names and numbers that are commonly found on the internet. Any semblance to reality is only coincidental.  However, this data set is very interesting and the questions that were posed provided an excellent practice round for analyzing university fundraising numbers. Here are the questions: 1. […]

Exploring Aircraft Hardware Supplier Data for Key Insights

This post looks at some key business questions that can truly bring to light very interesting insights. Know thy business… In this exercise our client, an aircraft hardware suppliers, wanted to know key information about their business. they presented us with a spreadsheet database, containing several tables related to purchase orders and sales transactions. Here is […]